Friday, February 1, 2013

Lab 3: Neogeography

Lab 3: Neogeography 
Most Commonly Clinics in Westwood,-118.444827&spn=0.009724,0.012853

The purpose of this map is to analyze the types of Health Facilities that surround the city of Westwood. This map was created to look at the clinics in the area. As I was researching for the different kinds of clinics, the vast majority of the clinics in the area were mental health facilities, Mental Health practitioners or independant  Psychiatrist/ Physcologist. The main hospital building for care were part of the UCLA medical Center. Nevertheless, none of these places had enough primary care facilities where people in the community could just go in an get a check up. This is due to the demographics of the area being a  population of predominantly white middle class folks who have health insurance or their own private doctors. There were a lot of private health businesses, which shows that Healthcare in this community revolves more in the realm of economics than the primary health of the population living in the area.  UCLA also comes into the picture and all its students regardless of class background have the same UCLA insurance and therefore are in no need of a primary health clinic like the ones you see all over low income neighborhoods around Los Angeles. Neogeography is essential because you can see different categories of things people find important that they want to include in their map, and you are seeing that through their lens. This map as an example is to show individuals that mental health facilities and care are a money making machine in this upper class neighborhood, and to give thought as to how different health care facilities are spread throughout the Los Angeles County. 

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